
Arm lift (Brachioplasty)


Arm lift operation often performed for patient who has excess loose tissue or after massive weight loss. It aims to rejuvenate thighs and remove excess skin and fat. It is often combined with liposuction to remove excess fat.

The operation requires general anaesthesia and generally takes between 2 – 2.5 hours. Incision is made at inner side of arm and extend into the armpit. Liposuction is performed. The fat is then removed and excess skin excised. The wound is closed in layers with combination of internal dissolvable stitches. It is advisable to wear compression garment for few weeks and avoid any strenuous exercise for atleast 4-6 weeks after the operation.

The procedure is very satisfying in majority of the cases. The risks include bleeding, haematoma, infection, patches of numbness, altered sensation, asymmetry, thick scar and seroma. There are uncommon risks of general anaesthesia including deep venous thrombosis and respiratory/cardiac compromise.

Full assessment, operation and risks will be discussed at the consultation.

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