
Scar Revision


Scar revision is a range of treatments that can remove the top layers of skin in order to reduce the appearance of scars. Treatments usually take between 30 minutes and an hour and are performed as a day-case procedure.


Scars are visible signs that remain after a wound has healed. They are the unavoidable results of injury or surgery, and their development can be unpredictable. Poor healing may contribute to scars that are obvious, unsightly or disfiguring. Even a wound that heals well can result in a scar that affects your appearance. Scars may be noticeable due to their size, shape or location; they can also be raised or depressed and may differ in colour or texture from the surrounding healthy tissue.


Surgical scar revision will not remove the scar, but aims to make it less obvious. It can also help to reduce tightness caused by the scar tissue. The colour and type of your skin, your age and the type of scarring influence how much improvement you can expect. Scar revision usually takes between 30 minutes and an hour. It is normally performed as a day-case procedure often under local anaesthetic. This means that you will be awake, but the area will be completely numb. Sometimes, scar revision performed under general anaesthetic, where you are asleep during the procedure.

If you would like to know more, Contact us today.


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