About Mr Lohana

Professional Profile

Mr Lohana is a consultant Plastic Surgeon who is fully accredited on the General Medical Council’s specialist register for Plastic Surgery. Mr Lohana presently works as a Consultant Plastic Surgeon at NHS and private sector.

Mr Lohana has an extensive surgical training, undertaking basic surgical training in Swansea followed by higher specialist training in Plastic Surgery in a number of prestigious units throughout the UK including Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee and Birmingham.

Mr Lohana was awarded fellowships in Plastic Surgery from both the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, as well as the European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery.

He was also awarded BTEC in Laser light and associated therapies. Mr Lohana has undertaken a specialist hand fellowship at the Birmingham Hand centre and successfully awarded European Hand Diploma (2017) and British Hand Diploma (2019). Mr Lohana has also undertaken post CCT Aesthetic Surgery fellowship training with Mr Riaz in Hull. Mr Lohana worked as a Consultant Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgeon for 1 year at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Buckinghamshire, prior to returning to Scotland in 2019. Mr Lohana currently works as a substantive Consultant Plastic Surgeon at NHS Lanarkshire.

Mr Lohana has several research publications and was awarded Masters in Philosophy (Mphil) in Scarless wound healing from Cardiff University. He has been actively involved in teaching and training both nationally and internationally.

Mr Lohana is a member of the British Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS), the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), the British Society of Surgery of the Hand (BSSH) and the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS).


Looking to book?

T. 07897 701060
E. info@mrlohana.co.uk